

To the bottom left is the dead plant (in the pine straw). I know it’s hard to see with all the dead grass! We have two of these types of plants, both on each side of the sidewalk, leading to the front door of our house. They had grown so tall and wide, it hid the beauty of our house. They lined the sidewalk to our house and you could barely walk through them to get to our front door. Last summer, my husband and I decided to chop them down and let them regrow. No, we are not expert garden people, but we figured they would just grow back the next season. That’s why they were planted there, right? So, the picture is what they look like now. It’s the next season. If you look close, you can see some leaves that are coming back, just a little bit but not how I thought they would grow back. However, I took this pic because to the right you can see a beautiful bright green “something” coming up. Most people would call this a weed. But I see something more. I see, life, beauty, a second chance to grow and live, amongst all the bad and all the hurt that I have been dealt in my own life. God is saying,”Beloved, loved one, I am here and I will watch over you and be there to help you grow among the dry desert of life. Yes sometimes there will be a dry desert of life. But this beautiful green weed is saying, “I am here, look at me, I have overcome by the grace of God.”

This beautiful picture of life outside my front door this morning remind me that this life isn’t over yet, despite what storms it has brought me. God’s grace and protection are more than enough to allow me to start over, in a new spot, greener and more alive than ever!! Sometimes, life overtakes us, just like the plant overtook the path to the door. Life gets in the way of our path with God. It is then we have to cut the overgrowth back to nothing to allow for new and healthier growth, in HIM.

Will this grow into something beautiful? Absolutely I don’t know what kind of beautiful flower, but that doesn’t matter. It is growing, and I am back and alive, waiting to see where God will grow me next.

 If you are ever in the season of your life where you feel like the dead plant in the dead soil and grass, not going anywhere. Hang on tight to God. Keep praying, keep reading the Bible, even when you don’t want to! Even when you are so mad at life and think, “Why God?” This is the exact time to draw closer to Him. And eventually, you will grow, like the bright green leaves, you will break through the surface of the hard ground and grow even stronger.

Verse: God can restore what is broken and change it into something amazing. All you need is faith.
Joel 2:25

Lord, You are always there for me, even when I don’t feel it. Thank you for showing me grace, loving me and providing daily nature to see the tiny miracles. Continue to help me grow in You and Your will. In your name I pray. Amen
